Initial Setup
- Download the latest version from the repository.
- Extract the files to your preferred directory (htdocs)
- Set your application name, base URL, Stripe API Keys, Database settings and all configurations in config.php.
- Optional: Check .htaccess if you will be running in a /subfolder/
in /app/.htaccess and /api/.htaccess to match your localhost directory. - Optional: Create subdomains and point them to the respective folders: app, api, webhooks, and cdn.
Post-Configuration Steps
- Run composer install to install necessary dependencies.
- Import database.sql into your MySQL database.
- Set up a webhook from your Stripe dashboard to to handle Stripe events.
- Set up automatic deployment from a git repository/webhooks/deploy.php.
Verification and Testing
Ensure the setup is correct by accessing the following:
- Login Page should open correctly.
- API Endpoint should display a 'not authenticated' message.
- Access your main landing or marketing page at the /web directory.
- Your custom application should reside in the /app folder.
- Your API endpoints will be located within the /api folder.
- Models shared between all components are available for use across the application.